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Чуешов.В.И.Технология лекарств (2014, ч.1,2)

В последние десятилетия техника и технология развиваются значительными темпами, поэтому 21 век называют «веком технологий». Интенсивное развитие касается и фармацевтической отрасли. Основным условием эффективного использования достижений научно-технического прогресса является высокий уровень профессиональной подготовки специалистов. Технология фармацевтических препаратов промышленного производства — одна из основных профилирующих дисциплин, определяющая содержание профессионально—практической деятельности инженеров-технологов, провизоров и других специалистов фармацевтической промышленности.

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A full body massage service is not only practiced in a spa, but also at homes which is very relaxing and people who knows the tricks for massage provides services at home also to their family member and also visits places for professional services. It is recommended for people suffering from chronic pain. It is recommended for people suffering from chronic pain, those who are involved in strenuous physical activity and also patients who have suffered from physical injuries. This will help the professional to provide the best suitable and recovery service to the client and will take care that the customer is satisfied but not more stressed because of some previous injuries or pains. Most people find themselves on a regular basis and relaxing in the right amount of pressure, feeling good is to spa and massage therapy experience what it feels like to be loved, one of the best ways to feel updated.

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It is personally satisfying to me for a student to have a desire to play and to reach their desired goal. Tim started lessons with me when he was in 4 th or 5 th grade. He specifically wanted to learn classical guitar and had already taken some lessons a little before. As the months went on it became increasingly clear that communication between his mental commands and his fingers was a stilted one. Nevertheless, I work with them in getting their technique as close to correct as we can, and we work within the bounds of what they can do.

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