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Салон красоты Джоконда

The Civil War of is one of the key events in the Spanish history of the twentieth century. Despite the fact that 80 years have passed since the tragic events and a significant part of the Spaniards live today, the "war of memory" and internal antagonisms continue to determine the public mood and political situation of modern Spain. In this regard, it seems important to highlight the key problems and the most significant stages in the formation of the "image of war" and attempts to overcome trauma. The article addresses the problems of transforming the memory of the war in the period s, the correlation of official ideological attitudes and the translation of the theme of war in public discourse including the opposition and cultural components , the impact of historical memory and the traumatic experience of the civil war on the transition from Francoism towards democracy. It also analyses the problems of attitudes toward a civil war at a democratic stage, including disputes over the Amnesty Law and the Law on Historical Memory, which have a significant impact on the political struggle and everyday life of modern Spanish society. Keywords: Spain, Amnesty Law, historical memory, reconciliation, Spanish civil war , Francoism, confrontation.

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Март 2014. «Я Покупаю. Челябинск»

We have developed a comprehensive range of services designed to support students of all ages to ensure that every one is effective in their learning. Teaching is primarily conducted through class lectures followed by seminars. In addition to regular lectures, teachers are required to spend a fixed amount of time at the Academy where students can have discussions with the tutors regarding various problems associated with their programmes. Practice Assessments are being regularly held once a topic is finished and before the final examinations, several Pre-Mock and Mock Examinations take place in order to prepare the students for the final examinations. Occasionally guest lectures, qualified in their field, will speak on the current topics to provide students with further insight contentious areas of law. We also appreciate that NLA students should have the basic knowledge of Bangladeshi legal system.

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